• GET rest/listtaks

      • Get a list of tasks

Retreive a list of tasks from your administration.  Use offset and limit parameters to retrieve more tasks over multiple calls. It is also possible to retreive only tasks relating to one project by adding Project and SelectProjectBy. To retreive tasks of all projects and omit tasks not related to a project you can set the parameter “Project” to “ALL”.

  • Request
  • Response


Project String Details
(optional) Filter the tasks associated with the project by either projectnumber or projectname. Set to "ALL" to retreive only tasks related to a project but not limit to a single project.
SelectProjectBy String Details
Allowed values: NAME or NUMBER. Determines wether the value in the parameter 'Project' is the projectname or projectnumber.
SearchOperand String Details
When creating a request with multiple parameters, this setting can be used to switch between "AND" or "OR" condition checking. For example: when both parameters ChangedSince and CreatedSince are submitted and this setting is set to "AND", the query will only return tasks where both ChangedSince AND CreatedSince match the parameters. However, if this setting is set to "OR" the query will return a list of tasks that match with either the ChangedSince or the CreatedSince. This setting defaults to "AND". This setting only applies to the parameters: ChangedSince and CreatedSince.
ChangedSince Long Details
(optional) An UNIX timestamp in seconds. Will return only tasks that are changed since the specified timestamp.
CreatedSince Long Details
(optional) An UNIX timestamp in seconds. Will return only tasks that are created since the specified timestamp.
Limit Integer Details
Defines the limit of items to retreive
Offset Integer Details
Defines the offset for the retreive
Sorting String Details
An optional sorting parameter. Recommended to use when using LIMIT and OFFSET parameters. Allowed sorting values: CreatedDate, ChangedDate
SortDir String Details
Defaults to "DESC". Allowed values: "ASC" (low to high) and "DESC" (high to low)

CURL Example


Title String More info
The title of the task
Description String More info
The description of the task
StartDateTime Long More info
An UNIX timestamp in seconds reflecting the date and time of the start of the task.
EndDateTime Long More info
An UNIX timestamp in seconds reflecting the date and time of the end of the task.
AssignedTo String More info
The person that is assigned to the task
Status String More info
The status of the task
ProjectName String More info
If the task is associated with a project, the project name will be returned
ProjectNumber Integer More info
If the task is associated with a project, the project number will be returned
ProjectPhase String More info
If the task has an projectphase, the projectphase will be returned
CreatedOn Long More info
An UNIX timestamp in seconds reflecting the date and time of creation.
ChangedOn Long More info
An UNIX timestamp in seconds reflecting the date and time of last change.

Response JSON Example

The response order can vary from the parameter order above