• GET rest/listorders/

      • Retrieve a list of sales orders

Retrieve a list of sales orders from your administration. A maximum of 50 orders will be returned at once. Use offset and limit parameters to retrieve more orders over multiple calls.

  • Request
  • Response


Limit Integer Details
Defines the limit of items to retreive
Offset Integer Details
Defines the offset for the retreive
DateFrom Date String (dd-MM-yyyy) Details
Filter on orderdate in format dd-MM-yyyy. (http://docs.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/api/java/text/SimpleDateFormat.html). Default to no from date filter. Will only return orders with orderdate after the specified date.
DateTill Date String (dd-MM-yyyy) Details
Filter on orderdate in format dd-MM-yyyy. (http://docs.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/api/java/text/SimpleDateFormat.html) Defaults to no till date. Will only return orders with orderdate before the specified date.
ChangedSince String Details
An UNIX timestamp in seconds. Will return only orders that are changed since the specified timestamp.
ChangedTill String Details
An UNIX timestamp in seconds. Will return only orders that are changed before the specified timestamp.
CreatedSince String Details
An UNIX timestamp in seconds. Will return only orders that are created since the specified timestamp.
CreatedTill String Details
An UNIX timestamp in seconds. Will return only orders that are created before the specified timestamp.
HtmlAsPlainText Boolean (true|false) Details
Whether the rich-text fields will be returned as plain text or not. Defaults to false.
OrderStatus String Details
A filter on order status (custom order status in Silvasoft). If specified the request will return only orders with the current status matching the status specified here.

CURL Example


Response JSON Example

The response order can vary from the parameter order above