
Welcome to the Silvasoft API documentation! The Silvasoft API allows you to retreive and add data to the Silvasoft cloud in a simple, programmatic way, using the Silvasoft REST API. The endpoints are intuitive and powerful, allowing you to easily make calls to retrieve or add information.

We have strict rate-limiting in place. Please see the response section for the error format. If you have to make a large amount of API calls we suggest to slow down the requests a bit so you do not exceed the limits. Please note that abusing the API might lead to permanent blocks.

The recommendation to prevent rate-limit or permanent blocks is to sent:

  • Maximum 50 requests per minute
  • Maximum 2 requests per second

Mandatory parameters
If a parameter in the API has an asterix (*) indicator, it means the parameter isĀ mandatory. If a parameter has a double asterix (**) indicator, it means that either one of the parameters with a double asterix is mandatory.

Case sensitive
Please note the API is case sensitive. Make sure to submit all parameters exactly as documented.

Explanation of the documentation structure
The API documentation will start with a general overview about the design and technology that has been implemented, followed by information about specific endpoints. Every endpoint includes an example CURL request and example responses.

Missing something?
Are you missing endpoints in the Silvasoft API? Please file a ticket from your Silvasoft account and we are happy to discuss this and possibly put it on the roadmap for API development.

Get started!
Scroll down to read through the documentation, or directly jump to a specific endpoint using the navigation.

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